Find your voice with us!
Learn more about our ensembles. Then book your audition so we can find the right one for you!

ages 5-7
Saturdays 9:00-10:00 am
$100 registration + $200 annual tuition
In this ensemble, children will begin to develop their musical skills through singing and movement activities. No audition is required to join.

ages 8-11
Saturdays 10:00-11:30 am
$100 registration + $600 annual tuition
Minuet is a treble chorus for children in their initial stages of vocal development. Choristers can spend up to three years in this choir. Here they will be immediately engaged in singing experiences through imitation. Their training will include developing vocal skills, musicianship and sight singing skills. The repertoire will include rounds and canons, folk songs, and cover a wide range of cultures and genres.

ages 11-14
Saturdays 10:00-11:30 am
$100 registration + $680 annual tuition
Allegro can be a three part treble or three part mixed chorus for children in 5th-9th grades. In allegro children continue their musical development through experiencing more challenging repertoire and skill sets. Choristers at this level must demonstrate a practicing knowledge of singing posture, effective breathing for singing, and principles of diction. They must also demonstrate an evolving understanding of music theory, sight-singing and performance skills.

ages 14-22
Saturdays 12:30-2:00 pm
$100 registration + $800 annual tuition
Sonata is a mixed chorus for students in 8th -12th grades and MCC Alumni up to age 22. Members are ready to experience and demonstrate the highest level of musicianship and performance standard. The repertoire includes complex multi part works; newly commissioned compositions; works for chorus and chamber orchestra and other instrumental groupings.

for member of Sonata
Saturdays 11:30 am - 12:30 pm

for member of Sonata
Saturdays 11:30 am - 12:30 pm

open to members of Sonata (by audition)
Saturdays 10:00-11:30am
$360 annual tuition
A contemporary vocal ensemble where students experience additional vocal styles and explore genres like swing, a cappella, and pop.

The Christie Prieto Memorial Scholarship Fund
was established in memory of a former – long-time – chorister in the MCC. Christie was a leading member in the MCC from 1990 until her high school graduation in 2000. She distinguished herself in the organization with her strong commitment to artistic excellence, her focused discipline and her engaging personality. The fund was established to provide an opportunity for choristers in need of financial assistance to fully participate in the offerings of the Miami Children’s Chorus. Current and former family members of MCC choristers generously support the CPMSF. Scholarship applications are available at the time of enrollment.